heavy equipment removing a storage tank
heavy equipment removing a storage tank

Commercial Underground Storage Tanks (CUST)

Commercial Underground Storage Tanks (CUST) are considered to be, systems used for storing motor fuel (gasoline, kerosene, diesel, aviation fuel, etc.) for resale. UST systems containing motor fuel used to service vehicles for businesses. Farm or residential tanks greater than 1,100 gallons capacity used for storing motor fuel. UST systems storing heating oil for resale are also regulated, however USTs storing heating oil for use on the premises are not regulated. SEI oversees the closing of your UST in accordance to NCDEQ, Division of Waste Management regulations. What is required to permanently close a UST?SEI will notify the appropriate DWM regional office of your intent to close the tank(s) within five working days of closure if the site assessment is performed by SEI. SEI will thoroughly clean the tank(s) and remove them from the ground. If the tank(s) cannot be removed from the ground, a request for approval from the DWM regional office can be made to fill them with a solid, inert material. You must make sure that removed USTs are disposed of properly. If your tanks are disposed of improperly, you could be held responsible for any environmental damage that occurs. SEI insures of proper disposal according to NCDEQ regulations. SEI will conduct a closure site assessment to determine if there have been any leaks. Prepare a site assessment report and submit it to the appropriate regional office.

NC Commercial Trust Fund

SEI will submit all Trust Fund applications and claims on the clients behalf. SEI also offers the co-payment option once all deductibles have been met by the client on UST assessment and remediation sites.